Definition Unicode - Unicode is a universal character encoding standard. It defines how individual characters are represented in text files, web pages, and other types of documents.
Unlike ASCII, which is designed to represent characters only basic English, is designed to support Unicode characters from all languages around the world. Standard ASCII character set supports only 128 characters, while Unicode can support about one million characters. While ASCII uses only one byte to represent each character, Unicode support up to 4 bytes for each character.
There are several types of encoding Unicode, although UTF-8 and UTF-16 is the most common. UTF-8 character encoding has become the standard used in the Web as well as the default encoding that is used by many software programs. While UTF-8 supports up to four bytes per character, it would be inefficient uses four bytes to represent commonly used characters. Therefore, UTF-8 uses only one byte to represent the character of the English public. European (Latin), Hebrew and Arabic characters are represented by two bytes, while three bytes are used for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Asian characters. Additional Unicode characters can be represented with four bytes.
Unicode is a method of setting the binary code to text and other forms of writing. This method is expected to bridge the various characters are not the same as the Latin inscription. Say writing Chinese, Arabic, Balinese, and so forth. This system has the ability to write, process, and display a variety of activities from the article itself. This technology is expected to resolve the problem of writing in a language that was not written using the Greek writing. Unicode support all writing systems in the world. Unicode is a character set with multi-lingual capabilities. Today, almost all vendorsistem support operations. Unicode is an encoding system that is used in addition to ASCII and EBCDIC on the computer system. The term Unicode is often called the Double Byte Character. ASCII character sets that use two bytes for each character. Capable of processing 65,536 character combinations so as to process words from different languages in the world.
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