Understanding Syntax
Understanding Syntax - Syntax is the rules writing 'sentence' to be able to be understood correctly by the programming language.
This is by default syntax rules must be met, because during the process of compilation of each line of the script will be checked and ascertained whether Compiler benar2 understand the meaning of a sentence or not. If there is a wrong syntax, the compiler will report if there is a part of the sentence that he did not understand or the term "error message" and not going forward make its bytecode.
There are 3 types / possible Error (error):
1. Compile-time error: errors found by the compiler at compile time! This error likely due to two things: the wrong syntax! or wrong meanings of words (semantics) eg type of data that does not fit! -> Executable file not gonna contrived.
2. Run-time error: error found during the program (executable file) are executed, for example, if the calculation of its divisor numbers 0 -> then the execution of the program will stop at that point.
3. Logical error: if all the syntax, semantics okay but LHA why the end result is wrong!
SQL stands for Structured Query Language, is a language used to access data in a database (database) relational. SQL is widely used in client-server-based programming such as PHP, ASP, Java J2EE, and so forth. Examples of well-known software SQL is MySQL, MsSQL (Microsoft), Oracle SQL, SQL Postgre (open source).
Each software has its own advantages, as far as I know Oracle SQL reliable in terms of security and the size of the database that can reach tera byte, being MsSQL more playing in memory for processing. Of the three this software, Oracle SQL can be regarded as the first holder. Basic SQL commands basically almost as good MySQL, SQL Postgre, MsSQL or Oracle SQL.
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