Understanding Hacker, Cracker, Defacer and Phreaker

Understanding Hacker, Cracker, Defacer and Phreaker

Hacker is a computer or IT professional group, they may be comprised of a computer engineer, pengaturcara and so forth that have a high knowledge in something computer system. Hackers have interests and deep knowledge in the IT world to know for sure that berkeupayaan weakness whole hog system to test the system trying to something. However, the hacker will not do any kero \ usakkan against something that system and it is an ethical hacker.

cracker can be categorized as people who understand the kind of high-level programming and little knowledge of the network. GENERAL his kracker most membuah ability to create a program to re-Disable /
me-manipulation track. Examples: cracker create a program so that should be paid for free. kracker do not really understand the ins and outs of their network its most general tend to like things that are free.

Once there was a case I see people proudly showing off their nickname in a website owned by someone else. Then he said "that's Website I hack" HACK? defacer its most common is a prankster who are want to try finding out both in terms of knowledge, ability, and self ... the easiest habits to know is they like to change the look of website use / exploit the weaknesses of the bugs / flaws in a program. Defacer generally do not understand much about the level of programming they are more likely to understand more about the performance of a webserver along with a script that is inside.

Phreaker is actually almost the same nature where the cracker equally liked free. The difference Phreaker more focus into the bug network / telecommunications. Examples ease with which people can call ato ngenet free when it should be paid, or other examples someone using a bug that exist within a telecommunications company (although it is unknown the leaking of this information is the result of its own or notified person) it is one of the activities phreaking and those who do so in Phreakers call.

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