Understanding HTTP
Understanding HTTP - HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a protocol used to send documents or halamamn the WWW or World Wide Web. While understanding the big dictionary HTTP is a networking protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the WWW.
In terms of the HTTP, specify how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what the response of the browser. History of the HTTP protocol used in the WWW first time around 1990. Well used at that time is the HTTP protocol version 0.9 which is a data transfer protocol is raw, uncooked intent here is that data is sent regardless of the type of the document itself.
6 Years later, namely around 1996, the HTTP protocol has improved so that it becomes the HTTP protocol version 1.0. And in 1999 issued selanjjutnya ie HTTP version 1.1 to accommodate a proxy, caching and persistent connections.
HTTP is protoko simple client server based application that is built on TCP (transmission control protocol). An HTTP client typically initiates a request by creating a relationship to a particular port on a particular webhosting hserver sebua. Commonly used port is port 80. Clients also often known by the user agent, while the server responds and also save the resources such as HTML files and images is called the origin server.
Well between the two is the user agent and the origin server there may be oenghubung, such as geteway, tunnel and proxy. Well then the source you want to access by using HTTP are identified using a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) scheme URL http: or https :.
Function and How it Works HTTP
You must know that HTTP appears at the beginning of every web address. Yes all web services run through this protocol. HTTPS is a variant of HTTP in which case inibrowser add another layer of encryption.
The workings of this protocol is to communicate with one another. The protocol is the command to be followed by each computer to be able to send or receive messages. The use of the most common protocols are HTTP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, and many others.
The function of the HTTP itself is to establish how the message or data that is formatted and ditrasmisikan into a form that could respond to the browser to bring these data.
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