Understanding DOS - DOS (Disk Operating System) is a text-based operating system that Microsoft released before Windows or can be said as the operating system using the command-line interface used by the computer users in the decade of the 1980s. address for booting the computer and run multiple software applications, such as WS and Lotus.
DOS function that is used today is that of use in resolving some troubleshooting on computer hardware. Although it could also be done on GUI-based operating system. Just as Terminal in Linux, DOS has a list of text-based commands to be typed in DOS Console or commonly called Command Prompt. Knowing the use of the DOS command is the knowledge of its own that need to be understood by a Windows-based network administrator. You will be more easily controlled or remote computer NetBIOS Hacking on Windows-based console to determine DOS commands.
The following DOS functions:
- Resolving some troubleshooting on computer hardware.
- Organizing or controlling computer activities
- Adjust memory
- Set the input and output data
- Management file
- Management directory
Some DOS family is divided into classes items, namely:
1. MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), included among which are Tandy DOS, Compaq DOS, Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and several clones of MS-DOS operating system that are sold to manufacturers of IBM PC computer system / Compatible.
2.IBM PC-DOS (International Business Machine Personal Computer Disk Operating System), which although still made by Microsoft, modified a little to be used by the IBM PC.
3.DR-DOS (Digital Research Disk Operating System), created by the makers of the operating system CP / M, Gary Kildall.
4.Novell Personal Netware, the DR-DOS version that was sold to Novell because of the company managing the CP / M bankruptcy (Novell acquired Digital Research Incorporated).
5.Caldera DOS, a Personal Novell Netware version sold to Caldera Corporation.
6.FreeDOS, the version of DOS that was built from the remnants development Caldera DOS, which was developed by the open source community
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