Definition Hypothesis
Definition Hypothesis - The hypothesis derived from a fragment of the word "hypo", which means "under" and Thesa "which means" truth ", so the hypothesis is then how to write the spelling Indonesian adapted to be hypothesis and berkembangan into hypothesis.
From the above statement can be concluded that the hypothesis is an allegation that needs to be known to be true, which means that allegation may be true may be wrong.
Types of Hypothesis
According Suharsimi Arikunto, the type of education research hypothesis can be classified into two general categories:
1. Working hypothesis, also called the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Working hypothesis suggested a link between the variables X and Y, or the difference between the two groups.
2. Zero hypothesis (null hypotheses) Ho. The null hypothesis is often called statistical hypothesis, because it is usually used in research that is statistics, which were tested with statistical calculations. Contrary to the above ideas can be the authors pointed out that in this study the authors propose a working hypothesis and null hypothesis (zero).
Example Hypothesis research writing.
Working Hypothesis (H1) "Learning Mathematics with Application Model Sinektiks more effective than learning mathematics without Sinektiks Model Implementation Of Learning Math Field Studies Sub Topics Linear Equations".
Nil Hypothesis (H0) "Learning Mathematics with Application Model Sinektiks ineffective compared to the learning of mathematics without Sinektiks Model Implementation Of Learning Math Field Studies Sub Topics Linear Equations".
Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis
A hypothesis or conjecture while good should contain some things. It - it include:
1) hypothesis must have explanatory power
2) The hypothesis must state the expected relationship exists between the variables-variables.
3) hypothesis must be tested
4) hypothesis should konsistesis with existing knowledge.
5) The hypothesis should be expressed as simple and concise as possible.
Here are some explanations on good hypothesis:
- Hypothesis must suspect Relations among several variables
Hypotheses should be able to guess the relationship between two or more variables, here should be analyzed variables considered to influence the particular symptoms and then investigated the extent to which a change in one variable brings about changes in other variables.
- Hypothesis must Can Tested
The hypothesis must be tested to be able to accept or reject it, this can be done by collecting empirical data.
- Hypothesis must be consistent with the existence of science knowl-
The hypothesis does not contradict with the knowledge that has been designated. In some issues, and particularly at the beginning of the study, it must be careful to propose hypotheses that agree with science that are ready defined as the base. As well as these points should match those needed to examine the literature with appropriate therefore a hypothesis to be formulated is on the basis of previous research reports.
- Indicated Hypothesis In Simple
A hypothesis will be presented into the formulation in the form of declarative sentences, the hypothesis stated briefly and perfect in completing what is required of researchers to prove the hypothesis.
A hypothesis must be tested by empirical data, which is based on what is observable and measurable. To the researchers must find a situation that gave empirical data needed. After we collect the data, then we have to conclude the hypothesis, whether to accept or reject the hypothesis. There is a danger of the researchers tend to accept or justify the hypothesis, because he is subject to bias or perasangka. By using quantitative data are processed under the provisions of statistical bias can be eliminated as much as possible, so a researcher have to be honest, do not manipulate the data, and must uphold the research in an effort to seek the truth.
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