Understanding PPC, PPI and CPA

Understanding PPC, PPI and CPA
Understanding PPC, PPI and CPA

PPC (Pay per Click)
is a commission-sharing system where you will commission in accordance with the number of people who clicked mounted on your blog
Examples of PPC advertising: Google Adsense, kliksaya, ADPlus, Adstar, Chitika, Infolink, and many others

PPI (Pay-per-Install) is a commission-sharing system where you will be given a commission in accordance with the number of people who install the application from the link, banner, or advertisements in your blog.
Example ad PPI: Anizan, Installmonetizer, UC Union

But keep in mind, if you want to advertise PPI, you will only be able to generate optimum income if you install it on a blog download, because the blogs that many visitors who visit to download and install the application obtained from the website.

CPA (Cost per Action) is a system of division of commissions which you earn a commission in accordance with the number of visitors who take action on ads that are installed on your blog, this action covers to register or register on a website, participate in the survey, play games web browser, and other actions.

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