Sovereignty is the supreme power in a state that applies to the entire region and all the people in the country. The word sovereignty is derived from the word "sovereign" which in Arabic means the authority or government.
Sovereignty is also the full powers to govern the whole territory without interference from other countries. In the state that adopts the sovereignty of the people, the people will hold supreme power or the highest authority in the life of society and state.
Nature - the nature of Sovereignty:
There are several properties - properties on sovereignty, which are as follows:
This means that sovereignty is not coming from any other higher power, meaning no sovereign who created it because he formed his own.
This means that sovereignty can not be divided to certain entities, because sovereignty is the highest authority in the State. So that sovereignty can not be given to other bodies.
This means that the sovereignty residing in a State will still be there even though his administration will continue to change.
not enjoy unlimited
Because sovereignty is the supreme power then that sovereignty can not be restricted by anybody or any power.
Based on the concept of international law, sovereignty has three main aspects, namely:
External aspect of sovereignty is the right of every country to freely determine its relationship with other countries or other groups without restraints, pressure or scrutiny from other countries.
Internal aspect of sovereignty is the right of a country or the exclusive authority to determine the forms of its organs, the workings of these institutions and the right to make laws that he wants and actions to comply.
Aspects of territorial sovereignty means full and exclusive power which is owned by the state over individuals and objects found in the region.
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