Understanding Social Inequality - Social inequality is a phenomenon of social imbalance in terms kualiatas life is very striking. social gaps could occur any country. Social inequality is something of a nightmare or a big task for the government to be resolved. Where social inequality is a problem that is difficult to resolve because it deals with the aspects that should be known in depth and a deeper approach and their interrelations in various aspects. Social inequality is a state social imbalances that exist within the community, for example between the rich and the poor.
Factors Contributing to Social Inequality:
- Poverty
- Lack of employment
- Lack of awareness of the importance of education
- The uneven development
- Differences in Natural Resources
- Government policy
- Effect of Globalization
- Demographic factors
- Geographic Location and Condition
Efforts should be made by the government to solve the problem of social inequality that occurred in Indonesia:
- Prioritize Education.
- Create jobs and reduce poverty.
- Minimize corruption and combating corruption.
- Improving the judicial system in Indonesia and the strict supervision of the judicial mafia.
That is some information about social inequality, hopefully article I wrote above can be easily understood and if there is an error please forgive